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Wellness Programs Work!

 The Williamsport Home Apartments are 100% devoted to the wellness of the people that live on our campus. Kaleb Roudabush, NSCA-CPT is our full time Wellness Coordinator. His job is to encourage and assist the residents in maintaining their independence. One of the programs he is most enthusiastic about is his Fitness Assessment program.

 Ida Stitzer 97 years young, and her daughter Carol Bixler are pretty excited about the program as well. In 2018 Kaleb tested Ida’s ability to perform some physical tasks such as standing up from a chair, touching her toes from a sitting position, a timed walk of 8 feet, and an arm curl with a 5 pound dumbbell. She participated in strength and balance groups which Kaleb leads. In 2019 her results showed a remarkable improvement. Keep in mind she went from 96 to 97 years old!

 She improved in every single measurement! She went from needing assistance to stand from a chair to doing it with no assistance, she went from not being able to reach her toes from a sitting position to reaching them, and she improved her ability to walk from needing a walker to not needing a walker. She also lost 10 pounds which will help with her ability to stay active.

 Ida is thrilled and her daughter Carol’s response was “This is amazing! Mom loves the program and looks forward to the classes. You are making a huge difference in her life! ”

 If you would like to learn more about the Wellness Program at The Williamsport Home Apartments please call 570-323-8781 and ask for Kim Haller, Director of Independent Living or Kaleb Roudabush, Wellness Coordinator. Ida

Winter has really hit full force the last couple of weeks. That is why the Residents at The Williamsport Home Apartments were so happy for a bus trip to Cracker Barrel for dinner. The nice big fire in the fire place was only second to the huge Apple Dumplings that were enjoyed by several diners!


New Year's Eve traditionally wraps up the Holiday Festivities at The Williamsport Home Apartments! Each apartment building holds their own party. I only have pictures from the "B" Building party, but if anyone has pictures from the other buildings please send them to me and I will post them! (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) The party in "B" Building was fun and included poetry reading, games, Doris Reichenbach played the piano for a sing along, and there was lots of food! Dick Wagner makes a mean shrimp cocktail!


One of the great things about living in The Williamsport Home Apartments is all of the fun things the Travel Committee plans for the Residents. On December 14th the Residents had a great time on a bus trip. First we went to the beautiful Shawnee on Delaware Hotel for lunch. While we were there we took in their display of Nativity Scenes from around the world (which was very interesting). Then we had a delicious lunch. After lunch we got back on the bus for a one mile ride over the quaint little playhouse to see Tiny Tim's Christmas Carol. The play was a musical version of Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol", and enjoyed by everyone!



WOW hard to believe it is the Christmas Season already! At The Williamsport Home and Apartments residents take the holiday very seriously. Decorating is a big part of getting ready for Santa. All three of our Apartment Buildings held Tree Trimming parties. Residents decorated their tree, sang carols, ate cookies and started the holiday festivities. At the Skilled Facility we had our annual Christmas Tea. Over 100 friends and family came to sing carols, visit with loved ones and participate in the Tree Lighting Ceremony. The Home is all decked out for Christmas with the help of all of our staff. Making the holidays fun for the residents is a part of their jobs that our staff really enjoys.




On Wednesday night, November 14th, the newly established Wellness Committee at The Williamsport Home Apartments held a Bingo and Ice Cream Social. Over 60 residents came out for a fun night of Bingo and Kaleb Roudabush's (our Wellness Coordinator) famous home made ice cream! During the good weather months the focus is on being outside walking, playing bocci, and using the action stations on campus. Come winter, the focus is more on indoor activities. Either way, everyone has fun!

BingoBingo 3Bingo 1



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